Session #701: Coaching Skills for Resolving Conflict

SHRM 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition
Workplace Application: This workshop will provide a model for identifying and dealing with conflict, along with specific coaching tools to address these situations.

Conflict is a part of our work environments, and many conflict situations end up on your desk. Whether it's two co-workers who are blaming one another for a failed project, or the CEO and president who have fundamentally different visions for the company, what can you offer to resolve these situations productively? This workshop will strengthen your level of understanding conflict by explaining the key elements of conflict, then will give you the tools to address situations and coach your employees toward resolution. This workshop will also explore the critical components to preventing conflict in the first place to create a more productive and cooperative culture. You will leave with:

•        A simple model for identifying the key elements of conflict.

•        Coaching tools for moving people through the conflict.

•        An understanding of when to use coaching and when you need something else.

•        Key differences you can train your employees in to prevent conflict.  

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Saturday, June 18, 2016 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Maren Perry


When Maren walks into the room, you know it. She is a natural and dynamic leader one is drawn to for her energy, charisma and her diverse knowledge and background.

Her experience in coaching top performers has brought her clients in diverse areas: from Fortune 500 companies, to U.S. Government, to leaders in the Arts. Maren’s clients are consistently recognized for improved relationships and moving large projects forward swiftly and effectively. Her focus is on developing her clients’ interpersonal and communication skills so that they can lead their teams with a higher degree of engagement and effectiveness.

Prior to coaching as owner of a management consultant company, Maren worked with clients such as the Annenberg Foundation, White House Project, AIG and Blackstone Group. Standout projects include the management of the International Women Leaders Global Security Conference and Initial Public Offerings for Blackstone Group and Genworth Financial.

Additional Fee & Registration Required
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Preconference Workshop
Relationship Management
Intended Audience: 
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