Why Your Employees Are Just Not That Into You...and What to Do About It

SHRM 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition
Workplace Application: This session will help you improve employee engagement and productivity as well as your ability to attract and retain talent.

Are your employees not nearly as engaged as you wished despite all of your employee engagement boosting efforts? Do your managers often complain about employees being more into “What can you do for me?” than “How can I contribute?” This session will explore why this happening and what employers and managers do to make employees “just not that into you.” This session will:

·         Identify seven of the most serious causes of employee disengagement. 

·         Show you how to communicate the importance of self-awareness and Emotional Intelligence to managers. 

·         Increase your awareness of employee moments of truth that affect whether employees feel bonded
          to their manager and you, or not. 

·         Provide specific remedies for each source of employee disengagement.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 20, 2016 - 7:00am to 8:15am

David A. Lee

David A.
David Lee, the founder of HumanNatureAtWork.com, helps employers improve employee engagement, customer service, and morale, though his work as a consultant, trainer, and executive coach. He is an internationally recognized authority on organizational and managerial practices that optimize employee performance.

David is the author of Managing Employee Stress and Safety, as well as over sixty articles and book chapters on employee and organizational performance that have been published in North America, Europe, India, Australia, and China.

Much of his work involves taking research into human nature from a wide range of scientific disciplines, and then translating these principles into practical strategies for optimizing individual and organizational performance.

Using the popular TV show The Dog Whisperer as an analogy for the difference understanding human nature makes, David’s work helps leaders and managers become “Employee Whisperers.”
Convention Center: 202
Amount of Credit: 
Credit Type: 
HR Credit
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Relationship Management
Intended Audience: 
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