Creating a Mentoring Program That Actually Advances Your Succession Planning Candidates
Most mentoring programs are little more than awkward forced conversations between a promising, eager candidate and an overworked-but-wanting-to-help leader. The outcomes are typically lackluster and rarely go beyond the mentor and mentee getting to know and appreciate each other. How do you create a program that breaks through this formula? By looking at what differentiates those employees who have been promoted from those who have been stalled or derailed, you will change your paradigm of what mentoring needs to accomplish. An exercise in this session will allow you to experience this new paradigm. This session will also explore how to shift leaders and mentors into the role of coaches who are willing to have sometimes difficult, frank discussions with their employees and mentees. This session will help you:
· Identify the factors that differentiate those who get promoted and those who don't, and to apply this awareness to both mentoring and development programs for candidates.
· Identify how to move mentorships from vague conversations to powerful feedback-and-growth experiences.
· Determine the preparation needs of mentors and mentees under this new paradigm.
Carlann Fergusson

As CEO of Propel Forward LLC, Carlann Fergusson and her team partner with leaders to gain the insights, capacity and confidence to transform themselves and their organizations. Whether providing coaching, visioning, strategic planning or leadership development, her ultimate goal is to create leaders who love their role and bring passion and energy to their work. Corporations shouldn’t be places where people are counting the days till the weekend or the years till retirement.
Carlann is known for her unique approach of blending coaching and organizational development to create both personal and business results. Her keen insight and her ability to synthesize information from numerous sources results in solutions that stick. She has over 25 years of experience in executive and leadership coaching, strategic planning, organizational development, and leadership development. She is also a master certified coach.
As a past Senior Director of Global Organizational and Leadership Development as well as a Manufacturing Manager overseeing a team of 740, Carlann uses her line and staff management experience to achieve measurable results. Her past position titles also include Strategic Planning Manager and Change Manager. Carlann has worked for a diversity of businesses including Intel Corporation, Visteon Automotive, Meijer Corporation, Press Ganey, Florida Power and the United States Government. She and her teams were recipients of two Intel Quality Awards, Press Ganey’s Innovation Award, The Department of Treasury Treasurer’s Award and a finalist for the Visteon Summit Award. Today her client list includes pharmaceutical, fashion & design, financial, healthcare, construction and technology companies.
Carlann teaches the Leadership Certificate Program for Northwestern University in Chicago, IL. She is the author of Shoots and Ladders Workbook; Insights to Accelerate Your Leadership and has been cited in CBS MoneyWatch, International Business Times, Newsday, and The Boston Globe.
She holds a Master’s degree in Industrial-Organizational Psychology from Southern Illinois University and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Maryland.
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