Forget Millennials. Gen Z Is Here: The Technology Generation vs. HR
Gen Z is graduating high school and they're off to college, but are you ready to start hiring them? Known as the Pivotal Generation, they're more like boomers and less like Millennials, their beliefs, however, tell a different story. Pivotals', have never known life without social media, smartphones, and Google – they are wired to technology. Unlike Millennials who we consider the trophy generation, Pivotals' view life in practical terms – they want to work for their success and they don't want to be discovered by HR. You have to learn how to tap into that desire for success and engage them as the future workforce. So how will you reach them to hire them? Once hired, how will you retain them? This presentation will help you understand Pivotals so you can recruit and retain them as well understand what issues matter to Gen Z and how to connect your brand to their cause.
Margaret P. Spence
Margaret Spence is the founder of The Employee to CEO Project and CEO of C. Douglas & Associates. Inc. It is her mission to champion the advancement of women into executive leadership. Her new book, Leadership Self-Transformation ask women two simple questions, what do you want from your career and why don’t you have it now? It’s her feeling that you cannot get the corner office until you get clear about what you want and why you want it. Margaret is a keynote speaker, leadership development coach, corporate consultant, and the author of three books. Learn more about Margaret at her website:
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