The Socially Awkward Person’s Guide to Networking: How to Connect When Traditional Networking Is Not Working for You

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition

Let's be honest, professional networking often is kind of...awkward. What's appealing about walking into a room full of strangers and repeatedly answering the same three questions about yourself for the next hour? If you get anxious just thinking about the crowded spaces, superficial banter and business card swapping, join Gregory Tall, a confessed awkward person) for an interactive experience that will humanize the practice of meeting people for the first time. Together, we'll try some atypical approaches to starting meaningful conversations and making authentic connections. Come prepared to meet new people and have fun doing it—even if you too are an awkward person.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Sunday, June 28, 2020 - 11:20am to 11:38am

Gregory Tall


Gregory Tall is a trainer and facilitator with over 15 years of experience helping high-growth organizations acquire & develop diverse talent and build top workplaces. Gregory now travels the country delivering interactive workshops that combine his signature high-energy facilitation style with provocative content and experiential learning as part of his obsessive work to help people become better communicators.

Session Type: 
Smart Stage
Relationship Management
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