How to Increase SHRM Certification Exam-Day Confidence

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition

Your path to certification requires motivation, discipline and support.  Find out how the SHRM Learning System creates a personal plan to build confidence and pass the SHRM certification exam.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2020 - 10:40am to 11:08am

Elizabeth Moore, SHRM-SCP


Elizabeth Moore is the Vice President of Development of Holmes Corporation and manager of the SHRM Learning System. She has over 25 years of combined Product Management, Project Management, and training and development experience.  She has managed the design and development of SHRM certification and education courses for over 10 years, working directly with HR experts, employers, educational partners, instructors and students from around the globe. Elizabeth’s insights and expertise have helped shape the SHRM Learning System into the premier HR Certification preparation resource and advanced the careers of thousands of HR professionals worldwide.  

Session Type: 
Smart Stage
Critical Evaluation
HR Expertise
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