Diversity Is More than Skin Deep: Neurodiversity in Today’s Workplace
Inclusion 2020
Learn from companies that understand the benefits of a neurodiverse workforce and how they have worked with these differences to their advantage.
Over the next 10 years, upwards of 35% of both your customers and your employees are going to be considered “neuroatypical.” This means that they will have some level of atypical neurological brain structure, such as ADD, ADHD, anything categorized under the autism spectrum as well as all things cerebral-diverse. Neuroatypical has been coined in the autism community to describe anyone that does not align with the medical community’s definition of “normal.” How your company and organization engage this rapidly growing segment of society will directly affect and impact your company’s brand, growth, reputation, and ultimate bottom line for the next several decades.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to harness your employee’s superpowers.
- Explore the top five ways to hire a neuroatypical employee.
- Learn how to ensure your workplace recognizes this diversity.
- Learn how to avoid losing valued neuroatypical employees.
- Learn how to reach the diverse customer, including Generations Y, Z and Alpha.
- Learn how to gain the 2.7 seconds of attention they’re willing to give to you and use it to your advantage.
Date(s) & Time(s):
Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm
Peter Shankman
Session Type:
Concurrent Session
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