Suicide Prevention as a Workplace Health and Safety Issue
In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited.
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Call to action - workplaces and professional associations - it's the time for the Guidelines for Workplace Suicide Prevention. 80% of all people who die by suicide are working age, making the workplace the most cross-cutting system for suicide prevention, intervention and crisis response. If we're going to get in front of the tragedy of suicide, widen our lens from seeing suicide only as a mental health framework, to a broader public health one.
Learning Objectives:
- Recognize the prevalence of death by suicide and the importance of prevention practices within the workplace;
- Learn the epidemiology, etiology and risk factors of suicidal behavior;
- Discover strategies for screening, assessing,and reducing the risk of suicide;
- Understand special concerns, risk factors and interventions related to military veterans;
- Identify self-injurious behaviors and what objects, substances, and actions are common in suicide attempts;
- Highlight the management and treatment modalities for patients at risk for suicide, including best practices for connecting the patient to referral;
- Gain the knowledge and skills to conduct suicide Postvention; and
- Comprehend the relationship between workplace stress and suicide and learn valuable techniques to stress-less at work.
If a speaker has provided session materials, please see below or visit
Frank King

Frank King, Suicide Prevention speaker and Trainer was a writer for The Tonight Show for 20 years.
He’s fought a lifetime battle with Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality, turning that long dark journey of the soul into 6 TEDx Talks and sharing his lifesaving insights on Mental Health Awareness with associations, corporations, and colleges.
Depression and suicide run in his family. He’s thought about killing himself more times than he can count.
A Motivational Public Speaker who uses his life lessons to start the conversation giving people permission to give voice to their feelings and experiences surrounding depression and suicide.
And doing it by coming out, as it were, and standing in his truth, and doing it with humor.
He believes that where there is humor there is hope, where there is laughter there is life, nobody dies laughing. The right person, at the right time, with the right information, can save a life.
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