The Eyeball Conversation That Get's Results! The Power of Employee Feedback!
Managing employee performance every day is the key to an effective performance management system. Setting goals, making sure your expectations are clear, and providing frequent feedback help people perform most effectively. However most managers feel unprepared to deal with problem employees and often just pass them along to other managers. Learn how to spend more time with your most productive employees and less time with the time drain of low performers and increase your company’s bottom-line.
Melvin Brown II

Melvin Brown II is an author, conference speaker and organizational consultant. He is sought out by both government and industry as an expert in the areas of Chanage Management, Program Management, Knowledge Management and Training.
Nicknamed “Mr. Turnaround” he has more than twenty years of not only turning around the lives of individuals but several organizations both in the private sector and the federal government.
He has developed several change management strategies for collaboration and is the recipient of the America Council for Technology, Industry Advisory Council’s, 2007 Excellence in Government award.
Follow Melvin on Twitter @melvinbrownii.
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- MEGA SESSION: 24-7-365 When Aren't You HR?
- MEGA SESSION: Business Skills for the Business Partner
- MEGA SESSION: Effective Communication in a Tech-Driven, Device Savvy World
- MEGA SESSION: Enjoy the Ride
- MEGA SESSION: Extreme Makeover: Orientation and Onboarding Edition
- MEGA SESSION: Leading Organizational Excellence by Avoiding the Top 10 HR Leadership Mistakes
- MEGA SESSION: Leading Up: How to be on Top of Your Game When You’re Leading the Boss
- MEGA SESSION: Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace
- MEGA SESSION: The Six Elements of Strategic Thinking: A Common Framework for Developing Strategic Leaders
- MEGA SESSION: Top 10 Persuasive Communication Strategies: Making Your Message Heard and Unforgettable
- SHRM Board Chair Bette Francis
- SHRM CEO Hank Jackson
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