FMLA: What It Is and How to Prevent Abuse
For HR professionals, managing FMLA can be one of the greatest challenges. For managers, employees using FMLA can be frustrating. And for some employees, abusing FMLA is like getting a free pass to avoid work. Learn how to help your employees and managers understand their responsibilities under the law. Take home practical advice on steps you can take to prevent and curb potential abuse of job-protected leave.
Steven Johnson, SHRM-CP
Steven is the human resources coordinator at the Health & Hospital Corporation of Marion County (Indianapolis, Indiana). His experience includes all areas of human resources, with specific focus on compliance, employee relations and training and development. He holds an MBA from Western Governors University and a bachelor’s degree in theatre from Indiana State University. His experience ranges from human resources positions in healthcare and manufacturing companies to directing and producing theatrical productions. Perhaps most surprisingly, the skills used to direct plays and musicals transfer very well to human resources. Investigating and advising on employee matters and corralling actors are remarkably comparable – following policies or following scripts, doing them the right way builds an efficient workforce and gets a standing ovation!
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