REPEATED from Monday at 3:30pm
Despite your best efforts, managers still fail to deliver clear feedback to employees for one of three reasons: (1) fear of upsetting employees, (2) fear of pushback, and (3) the lack of confidence to know how to deliver the message. As a result, individual and business performance suffers as employees continue to move along, not knowing that what they are doing is missing the mark. The problem? People can't fix what they don't know...and if managers don't deliver the lifesaving feedback to improve performance, employees may go their entire career without meeting their full potential. Feedback is the lifeblood to help individuals succeed and your business achieve its mission and goals. Managers are the focal point to delivering the authentic message that drives improvement and success.
Learning Objectives:
- Engage in a fun, collaborative, and energy-filled session as you gain tools you can immediately implement.
- Recognize the need for feedback as a core competency for managers and leaders.
- Learn how to build feedback into a culture of accountability as participants adopt a model of setting clear expectations, delivering feedback, and implementing a cycle of improvement.
- Master a time-proven model to deliver feedback as we teach and practice the approach during the session (attendees will come out knowing how to do it!!).
- Gain the confidence to transfer skills to managers and change the culture.
- Adopt tools to immediately implement that support managers at all levels to improve their ability to deliver feedback, increase accountability, and optimize performance.
In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis.