Avoiding the Five Most Dangerous Trends in Employee Wellness
2014 Annual Conference
Workplace Application: Learn how to avoid or correct the five most dangerous trends in employee wellness negatively affecting employee engagement and ROI.
PowerPoints/Handouts Available
As wellness has become standard for most organizations, several disturbing trends have also developed along the way. In this session, you will learn how to recognize these dangerous trends and identify a strategy for correcting and avoiding them in your organization.
Date(s) & Time(s):
Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 10:00am to 11:15am
Brad Cooper, MSPT, MBA, ATC, MTC

Yin & Yang… Day & Night … Suzanna & Brad. While these two may be as different as they come, together they cover the full spectrum.
Suzanna has a pair of Masters degrees, including one in Counseling, and is known nationally for her knowledge of coaching and interpersonal communication. As the Chief Learning Officer for the Catalyst Coaching Institute, she is the driving force behind one of the top coach training programs in the country (in addition to teaching at the University level). And as an added bonus, she was recognized as one of Colorado’s “Most Outstanding Women in Business.”
Brad also holds a pair of Masters degrees and is currently engaged in a top level PhD program. He is the CEO of US Corporate Wellness, the author of 4 books, holds 2 US Patents and has spoken professionally in all 50 states. In 2016 he was recognized by several publications as the “World’s Fittest CEO” for his results in the Ironman, marathon & Race Across America bike race.
Together, they’ve built 2 national businesses, raised 3 adult kids, and just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They usually present individually but today we’re privileged to have them at SHRM together!
Amount of Credit:
Credit Type:
•HR Credit
Session Type:
Concurrent Session
HR Expertise
Critical Evaluation
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