Top 10 Micro-Inequities: The Barriers to Innovation
Have you ever wondered what barriers get in the way of your employees being engaged in their work and their teams? While studies have found that employee engagement is closely linked to an employee’s ability to drive product or service innovation, how to keep employees invested and focused is a mystery. During this session, we will watch a live simulation of the micro-inequities — the subtle gestures, comments, and body language — that often erode employee confidence, interest, enthusiasm and self-esteem. Through group exercises we will discuss strategies for identifying and removing barriers to inclusion.
Natalie Holder-Winfield

Natalie Holder-Winfield is an employment lawyer who creates innovative sexual harassment prevention and diversity training programs based on the latest workplace trends. She creates customized leadership and inclusion, produces training videos, and develops training curriculums for Fortune 500 corporations, law firms, government agencies and not-for-profit organizations, such as Wiggin & Dana, Time Warner, Deloitte, Proskauer Rose, the United States Department of Agriculture, and the New York Mission Society.
She writes for the Huffington Post, Diversity Insight Magazine, and Diversity Executive. Her commentary has been featured in the New York Times, the New York Law Journal, and Good Morning Connecticut.
Natalie wrote, Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse Workforce: New Rules for a New Generation, which provides human resource managers, diversity officers, managers, employees and students with practical strategies for improving intergenerational communication and offers ideas for creating inclusive workplace cultures. The book is used to facilitate discussions at conferences, orientations, meetings, roundtable discussions, recruitment events and diversity training sessions.
Follow Natalie on Twitter @Nhwinfield.
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