Four Ways to Improve Candidate Screening: Avoid Hiring the Illusion
The goal of every hiring process is to identify and hire the best possible candidate for every position. Talent professionals know that meeting this goal is easier said than done. All too often, the person we thought was the perfect candidate turns out to be an illusion. What happened to that person we thought was perfect for the job? What did we miss? Where did our process go wrong? While hiring can sometimes be as much art as it is science, there are proven ways to dramatically improve the screening process. This session will focus on four ways to strengthen that process to ensure you are more objectively and accurately evaluating candidates. The information presented will help you identify the most important topics to address when screening a candidate, improve interview questioning techniques, better manage both personal and process bias, and most importantly, spot those candidates who attempt to mislead you.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify the right screening topics to address for each position.
- Develop more-effective interview questions.
- Better manage both personal and process bias.
- Successfully spot candidate deception.
Phil Houston

Phil Houston is the Chief Executive Officer of QVerity Inc. QVerity is a provider of behavioral analysis and screening services for private- and public-sector clients worldwide. Phil is also a nationally recognized authority on deception detection, critical interviewing, and elicitation. His 25-year career with the Central Intelligence Agency was highlighted by his service as a senior member of the Office of Security. He is credited with developing a detection of deception methodology currently employed throughout the U.S. intelligence and federal law enforcement communities. Phil is co-author of The New York Times bestsellers Spy the Lie and Get the Truth. He holds a B.A. in Political Science from East Carolina University in Greenville, N.C.
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