Industry-Proven Methods and Strategies for Successfully Hiring, Onboarding and Retaining Veterans
In today's business climate, you need a consistent pipeline of qualified candidates who are ready to embrace your mission and grow to be leaders in your organization. This session will highlight a number of key practices adopted and lessons shared by successful companies across a variety of industries related to veteran employment and retention. Whether you are new to this topic or have been embracing it for years, in this session you will learn valuable information to help you successfully hire, onboard and retain military veterans. You will also learn about the SHRM HireVets platform, which offers cutting-edge resources for those ready-to-hire veterans.
Justin Constantine

Justin retired from the Marine Corps at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He deployed to Iraq in 2006 and suffered a gunshot wound to the head while there, but has had an incredible recovery. He is now an inspirational speaker and a leading voice in the veteran community. Justin wrote a leadership book for mid-level managers in 2015, and SHRM recently published his authoritative guide on veteran employment. Justin has given several TEDx talks, has been honored by several presidents, and is one of the wounded warriors painted by President Bush in his book Portraits of Courage.
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