Recruiters Behaving Badly? Understanding Your ‘Hiring Culture’ for Improved Results
Maybe you’ve heard all about the importance of corporate culture, but have you ever thought about your “hiring culture”? Your hiring culture is more robust than merely creating a candidate experience. It exposes candidates to what your entire talent acquisition team, from the recruiter to the hiring manager, truly values. What people usually value affects how they behave. In this case, it may affect how they act during the hiring process. Do you know what your recruiters genuinely value and how they behave? Is what they value the same as what your hiring managers value? Is it reflective of your corporate culture? Does it matter? It does. How and who you hire has the most significant immediate impact on your business. In this session, Dawn Burke will provide a few steps to assess your hiring culture and tips to improve talent acquisition.
Dawn Burke

Dawn Burke, founder of Dawn Burke HR, is an HR leader, speaker and writer specializing in new HR practices, engagement and workplace culture. Her HR and leadership career has spanned the last 20 years, most recently serving as VP of People for Birmingham, AL, award-winning technology company, Daxko.
During her tenure as VP of People, Dawn was responsible for finding great talent, developing team members, and preserving company culture - a culture recognized in Fortune Magazine as one of the “50 Best Small and Medium Workplaces.” Recognized as a Top HR Innovator, she is creator of, and a contributor to a variety of national blogs including SHRM Next and Fistful Of Talent.
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