Calculate Turnover Costs Like a CFO: Drive Bottom-Line Results

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
Learn skills so you, as a HR professional, is seen as a business leader with a voice to shape your organization in impactful ways.

Is employee turnover impacting your organization's ability to grow, to provide exceptional customer service, or just to get the work done without overtime costs? Are employees and leaders frustrated by the churn of constant new hires?  Then learn how to shape your world by grabbing the attention of the C-Suite with the calculation of your cost of employee turnover. Shift from being not only an HR leader but also a credible business leader that drives improved results.

Learning Objectives:

  • Improve your credibility as a business leader by talking the language of business dollars.
  • Learn to place dollar values on turnover to move CEOs and CFOs to take actions to improve them.
  • Leverage a proven accountability approach that cuts turnover by 40% and more in a year.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, June 30, 2020 - 7:30am to 8:30am

Sherri A. Merbach

Sherri A.

Sherri Merbach is an engaging speaker who provides interactive audience learning honed through her years as a Disney Institute edu-train-ment facilitator.  Sherri is a business executive first, having earned her CPA designation while working with a top-5 global accounting firm and subsequently earning her MBA degree.  She is the Managing Director of C-Suite Analytics where she helps companies cut employee turnover 30% and more.  She delivers bottom-line results by leveraging business skills, data analytics, strategic thinking, and tactical training to radically improve retention and engagement outcomes.

Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business Acumen
HR Expertise
Leadership & Navigation
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