Stop, Collaborate and Listen! Mastering Strategic HR Through the Art of Collaboration

2020 Annual Conference & Exposition
Moving from isolationist to collaborative approaches increases the desire for HR partnership among organizational stakeholders.

HR has a reputation for being reclusive information hoarders and the department of "No." To effectively engage organizational goals and initiatives as a strategic business partner, we must master the "art of collaboration." HR business partners must learn how to effectively share knowledge, data and resources to better leverage internal relationships to earn trust and credibility. Real collaboration highlights HR as a strategic resource, allowing us to change old perceptions. In this session, Tina Marie Wohlfield shares insight and lessons learned from "the HR trenches" on how leveraging the ability to listen and collaborate with internal business partners can result in trust and credibility as a strategic HR business partner. You will learn techniques on how to better engage internal stakeholders through active listening, organization/business acumen and as a collaborator in practical and effective business solutions.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify areas where HR can enhance internal/external relationships through collaboration.
  • Review effective communication techniques including:
    • Effective information sharing techniques to overcome the "Information Hoarder" effect and "Analysis Paralysis".
    • Proactive vs Reactive HR engagement - The transition from the "Department of No" to "Strategic Business Partner".
    • Influential Leadership and the art of collaboration.
  • Identify ways to leverage business/industry acumen to establish/enhance internal and external relationships.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Monday, June 29, 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm

Tina Marie Wohlfield

Tina Marie
Wohlfield, SHRM-SCP

Tina Marie Wohlfield is the founder and Chief People Strategist at TIMAWO (pronounced tee-ma-woe). She is a passionate champion of Human Resources, Leadership and Talent Management with over 25 years’ experience in the Human Resources profession. 

Tina Marie is an active member of the HR community and dedicated advocate for advancing the HR profession through collaboration, partnerships and mentorship. In 2018 she co-founded HRUnite! a professional networking and advocacy community to support HR professionals. Her first book, STOP Collaborate and LISTEN – Developing Impactful HR Partnerships Through Collaboration is available through LuLu Publishing.



Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business Acumen
Leadership & Navigation
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