Stop Managing Change and Start Leading Transformation

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2023 Talent Conference
Approach the known, unknown, and emerging changes with a strategic playbook that strengthens individual and organizational health.

Talent, L&D, & HR leaders are being disrupted and impacted at an accelerated rate by the continued shifts in our world and industries we operate in along with an ever-changing competitive landscape. This is yielding more complex problems and new opportunities that we are still trying to understand. We will learn and be able to apply the 5T's to realizing real impact with and from change you are going through right now: 

1. Timing: How do we truly understand the full picture of what is going on and why?

2. Touch: How do we fully connect and embrace what the change really is?

3. Tension: Where is the real opportunity, conflict, and urgency we must apply leverage to?

4. Threshold: What is the breakthrough point and what is the breakdown point in order to drive progress forward that seizes the real opportunities?

5. Tipping Point: How do we recognize and then take advantage of the moments that matter to accelerate the shift where we have transformed to realize our greater impact?

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the root causes and intersection of the challenges and disruption your organization is going through right now and how to harness that to have greater confidence and less uncertainty.
  • Learn and implement the framework that binds your culture, strategy, and capability together to achieve greater discipline in how as one organization we respond and lead through change.
  • Achieve continuous alignment, accountability, and adaptability by streamlining how your organization makes and deploys decisions.

In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis.

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Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Jack Gottlieb


Jack Gottlieb, a seasoned senior executive, brings 20+ years of experience in organizational transformation as CEO of Total Solutions Group a strategic consulting and results based training firm.. Known for aligning culture, strategy, and capability to meet short- and long-term objectives, TSG has driven $3.25 billion in ROI for clients including Bosch, Johnson Controls, TE Connectivity, Microsoft, Novartis, Highmark Health, and Mountain America Credit Union. Jack is also the Vice President of Global Capability & Transformation at a market leading test lab in the gaming industry.  

Jack has been one of the top rated speakers and thought leaders for SHRM both at annual and state council conferences. Jack also hosts the successful "L&D Transformation Podcast: How To Lead The Future Of Our Organizations Through Talent Development” which is in season 3  with over 100 episodes.


Magnolia 17
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business (Behavioral)
Interpersonal (Behavioral)
Leadership (Behavioral)
Intended Audience: 
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