Strength-Based Progress Reviews: Take the Pain Out of the Annual Performance Appraisal Process

2024 Talent Conference & Expo
A proven strategy for how to have meaningful and impactful performance conversations that empower your employees.

Take the pain out of performance review time with a strength-based approach. In this session, you will learn and practice a tangible and digestible approach to engaging employees through meaningful conversations. 80% of employees who said they received meaningful feedback in the past week were fully engaged. Only 16% of employees said that the last conversation they had with their manager was extremely meaningful. It is time to close that gap.

Learning Objectives:

  • Introduce five types of performance conversations.
  • Learn best practices for effectively discussing performance with employees.
  • Discuss how to celebrate and hold accountability.
  • Learn how to set SMART, aligned goals.
  • Practice having a performance conversation.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Christopher Dotson


Chris Dotson is the CEO of Holistic Leadership Solutions. He is a seasoned leadership professional with a rich 20-year career spanning hospitality, healthcare, and education. His coaching style is strength-focused, collaborative, and reflective. His core values are curiosity, learning, growth, resilience, and kindness. Chris has an MS in HR and Organizational Development from Eastern Michigan University. He holds several coaching and team certifications including Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Workplace Big 5 Advanced Team Building, DiSC, and the LEA 360 Suite. He is the current President of Greater Ann Arbor SHRM. He supports leaders and organizations with leadership coaching, team development, and talent management strategy.

Roman Ballroom 3-4
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Interpersonal (Behavioral)
Leadership (Behavioral)
People (Technical)
Intended Audience: 
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