Unwinding States of Urgency: Avoiding AI Missteps by Improving Team Focus, Clarity and Decision Making within Fast-paced and High-performance Environments

2024 Talent Conference & Expo
Learn to improve team focus, attention and decision making in fast paced environments to strengthen engagement with AI and recent technology changes.

Our work worlds have shifted and we are entering a time of unprecedented change. Whether we look at hybrid work environments, multi-generational workforces, ever-expanding global connections or the increasing use of AI - our decisions, deliverables and discussions are evolving rapidly. How do we keep pace with AI, avoid errors, and maintain meaningful human connection? Join us as we discuss and explore ways to improve focus, clarity and decision making for ourselves and our teams.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the importance of focus, attention and decision making in relation to the use of AI at work.
  • List 3-5 ways you can improve your focus at work.
  • Apply a personal response strategy for fast-paced and performance-driven environments.
Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - 3:00pm to 4:00pm

Woodrie Burich


At a time of high work stress, declining mental health and burnout, Woodrie is on a mission to strengthen teams, drive better outcomes and offer hope. An award-winning thought leader, author, Forbes Coaches Council Member and TEDx speaker, Woodrie’s known for her proprietary approach to setting boundaries and building sustainable strategies in fast-paced and high-demand environments. She brings 20+ years of senior leadership and change management expertise working with Fortune 500 companies on global tech projects and billion-dollar merger & acquisition work. She’s won Stevie Awards for her Achievements in Thought Leadership and as Female Thought Leader of the Year.

Milano Ballroom 5-6
Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business (Behavioral)
Interpersonal (Behavioral)
Leadership (Behavioral)
Intended Audience: 
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