What to Do When You Can’t Talk About DEI at Work: A Cautionary Tale from the Front Lines of DEIB Work

Explore practical steps for finding your voice, empowering others, and staying committed while navigating the growing backlash against DEIB initiatives regardless of your role in the workplace.

In today's challenging landscape of DEI work, individual contributors are pivotal in fostering equity and opportunity. Join us to explore practical steps for finding your voice, empowering others, and staying committed while navigating growing backlash toward DEIB initiatives with integrity and professionalism in the workplace.

Learning Objectives:

•    Find your voice and speak out confidently to foster greater equity and inclusion regardless of your role.
•    Empower others to join the DEIB conversation and take action.
•    Stay committed to Inclusive initiatives despite obstacles.
•    Navigate DEIB backlash from leaders and individual contributors with resilience and professionalism.

Date(s) & Time(s): 
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 - 3:30pm to 4:30pm

Joy Johnson-Carruthers


Joy Johnson-Carruthers is the founder of Jtraining Solutions, a consulting firm dedicated to helping clients apply diversity, equity, and inclusion strategies that make a difference. A former police officer and US Army Veteran, Joy’s expansive career in the public and private sector make her a sought-after Public Speaker, HR Consultant, and Workforce Development Leader with over twenty years of award-winning experience developing leaders and high-performing teams across the United States and abroad. Her presentations are a call to action for better business outcomes and more inclusive workplaces. She currently resides in Nashville, TN, with her husband, Tom.

Session Type: 
Concurrent Session
Business (Behavioral)
Interpersonal (Behavioral)
Intended Audience: 
Beginner (Committing to I&D)
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