Fiduciary Best Practices for Your Retirement Plan Investments
You will learn how to keep your qualified retirement plans out of fiduciary hot water. This session will discuss monitoring plan investment choices, investment option strategies, best practices for RFP processes for investment advisors, the Department of Labor's proposed fiduciary regulations, and a litigation forecast. This session will provide you with:
- The procedures you should implement to review plan investments.
- Best practices for RFP processes for investment advisors and other vendors.
- Details on the impact of proposed fiduciary regulations on your retirement plans.
- Investment policy statements, committee charters and committee minutes, and why you need them.
Anne Pachciarek, Esq.

Anne Pachciarek helps companies establish and operate their employee benefit plans, such as medical plans, 401(k) plans, pension plans and executive compensation programs.
With more than 20 years of experience, Anne works with public companies and closely held businesses to find solutions to a wide range of ERISA compliance, fiduciary responsibility and plan administration problems. She advises on welfare plans, pension and profit sharing plans, cafeteria plans and deferred compensation programs, as well as on the handling of benefit plans in mergers and acquisitions.
Anne has been a member of the Hiring Committee and the Chair of the summer program for the Chicago office.
Mark Boxer, Esq.

Mark Boxer advises employers on all aspects of employee benefit matters.
He designs and drafts qualified retirement plans and welfare plans and advises clients on their fiduciary duties under Title I of ERISA and on the design and funding of executive deferred compensation arrangements.
His experience extends to the benefit issues in mergers and acquisitions, plan self-audits and error correction, including comprehensive compliance audit services, and advice and assistance in correcting errors under the Internal Revenue Service's Employee Plans Compliance Resolution Program, the Department of Labor's Delinquent Filer Voluntary Correction Program and similar programs.
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