Social Media: Risky Business of Risk Aversion
Business people see all the opportunities that social media creates for them. Lawyers see risks. Both are right. The correct approach is neither to ignore the risks nor to be paralyzed by them but to navigate them. We will explore how social media can help market your brand, products, and services, while staying consistent with FTC requirements. Particular attention will be paid to possible terms in a social media policy where NLRB decisions loom large. Practical solutions that minimize (not eliminate) the risks will also be explored, so that you can still run your business but not end up in the NLRB’s cross-hairs. Finally, this session also examines the benefits and risks of friending, linking in and tweeting. Some of the answers may surprise you.
Jonathan A. Segal

Jonathan is a partner at Duane Morris LLP in its Employment Group. He also is the Founder and managing principal of the Duane Morris Institute, which provides training on employment issues to HR professionals, in-house counsel and other leaders.
The core of Jonathan’s practice is helping employers maximize legal compliance and minimize legal risk with regard to harassment, discrimination, retaliation and reasonable accommodations.
Over the past few years, Jonathan has focused on religion in general and antisemitism in particular. In addition to helping clients, Jonathan has delivered a number of talks on antisemitism on behalf of the EEOC as well as to field directors of the EEOC.
Jonathan has provided training to federal judges and other members of the federal judiciary on various employment issues for more than 20 years.
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- MEGA SESSION: 24-7-365 When Aren't You HR?
- MEGA SESSION: Business Skills for the Business Partner
- MEGA SESSION: Effective Communication in a Tech-Driven, Device Savvy World
- MEGA SESSION: Enjoy the Ride
- MEGA SESSION: Extreme Makeover: Orientation and Onboarding Edition
- MEGA SESSION: Leading Organizational Excellence by Avoiding the Top 10 HR Leadership Mistakes
- MEGA SESSION: Leading Up: How to be on Top of Your Game When You’re Leading the Boss
- MEGA SESSION: Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace
- MEGA SESSION: The Six Elements of Strategic Thinking: A Common Framework for Developing Strategic Leaders
- MEGA SESSION: Top 10 Persuasive Communication Strategies: Making Your Message Heard and Unforgettable
- SHRM Board Chair Bette Francis
- SHRM CEO Hank Jackson
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