Crash Course to Effectiveness! Real World Productivity Skills for the Overworked, Overstressed, and Overwhelmed!
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A session in this conference ends more than 10 days after the conference! Some sessions may not appear properly in My Session Planner.In today's business environment we are being asked to do more than ever before. You have clients, deadlines, bosses, employees, marketing, projects, and of course family-and they are all demanding your time and attention and pulling on you from every direction! And now we are doing all remotely!
However, if you have ever felt that you spend your day putting out fires? Fires that were started by other people!? You take on more than you reasonably have time for because you don't want to say no or let anyone down? Have you ever written a daily to do list, worked like a dog all day only to realize you didn't get to complete even one thing on your list? Have you ever felt like you spend your day in deadline driven, crisis mode? And justify it by saying you work better under pressure?
If you can relate to any of these then don't miss this event! Time management is a crucial business skill successful people must master. Julie will share a few specific high power, easy to implement tips that are guaranteed to work and help you become more effective, efficient, and productive. Don't miss this chance to go from super stressed to superhero!
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the 4 destructive time management styles--
- And make sure you aren't one of them!
- Learn to handle crisis like a pro- And that is BOTH kinds of crisis!
- Learn to overcome the Mental Roadblocks to productivity-
- like Procrastination and the get it all done syndrome once and for all!
- Learn what it means to be clear in your priorities-- and Follow through!
- Learn 10 specific Tips you can implement immediately that will you give you back your time and sanity!
In-person session offerings are on a first-come, first-served basis.
Julie D. Burch

Julie Burch has spoken at 2 SHRM National Conferences, 5 state SHRM conferences, and countless regional and local SHRM events. She was also inducted in to the Speaker Hall of Fame at the Society for Human Resource Management’s Southwest Conference in 2017. She has spoken in all 50 states, 3 countries, and 3 U.S. Territories. Where she has designed programs for industry leaders in a wide range of industries
Julie is the comedienne with content! Julie’s presentations are high energy, highly interactive and packed with real world, tangible techniques the audience can implement immediately. Julie also loves to make them laugh! She has discovered the more her audience laughs the more they learn. “Solid Business Strategies. Brilliant Comedic Humor.” It’s not just her tag line, it is her promise in every presentation!
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